Heels TV Series
Heels is an American drama television series about professional wrestling created by Michael Waldron that premiered on August 15, 2021, on Starz. In November 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on July 28, 2023. In September 2023, the series was cancelled after two seasons.
Two brothers and rivals, one a villain, or "heel" in professional wrestling, the other a hero, or "face", play out scripted matches as they war over their late father's wrestling promotion and vie for national attention in small town Georgia.
Season 1
E1 ∙ Kayfabe
E2 ∙ Dusty Finish
E3 ∙ Cheap Heat
E4 ∙ Cutting Promos
E5 ∙ Swerve
E6 ∙ House Show
E7 ∙ The Big Bad Fish Man
E8 ∙ Double Turn
Season 2
E1 ∙ Ten-Bell Salute
E2 ∙ The Journey Is the Obstacle
E3 ∙ Discord
E4 ∙ Heavy Heads
E5 ∙ Who the Hell Is The Condamned?
E6 ∙ Appearances
E7 ∙ The Things That Matter
E8 ∙ High Flying
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