Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling was animated and produced by DIC Animation City. It featured animated adventures of popular WWF stars from the time, including its title character Hulk Hogan and his group of face wrestlers fighting against a group of rogue heel wrestlers led by "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. The show followed cartoon archetypes concerning good characters triumphing over evildoers in wacky situations, typical of children's cartoons in the 1980s.
Rarely referenced, wrestling was simply a device to determine the good guys from the bad guys. The wrestlers themselves appeared in the live action segments of the show, but due to their busy travel schedules, they did not provide the voices for their animated counterparts. These were instead performed by professional voice actors. One recurring live action segment was the music video for the cover of "Land of a Thousand Dances" recorded by several WWF wrestlers for The Wrestling Album.
Due to the show being animated and the longer production times that resulted, it often failed to keep pace with the events of the WWF at the time. This resulted in certain wrestlers turning heel (or, in non-wrestling terms, a villain) in regular WWF programming, but remaining good guys on the cartoon and vice versa; examples include "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (who was a heel when the show debuted, but became a face in the fall of 1986, despite remaining a bad guy in the cartoon) and André the Giant (who was a face in the fall of 1985, but turned heel in early 1987, despite remaining on the good guys' side throughout the series' run). Additionally, the characters of Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and Wendi Richter remained throughout the series' run, despite both having left the WWF in late 1985.
WWE currently own the rights to the program.
In April 2015, WWE added the show to the WWE Network, making its premiere following the April 20 episode of WWE Raw. On July 24, 2015, Hulk Hogan was fired by the WWE and all references to Hulk Hogan, including Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling, were removed from the WWE Network. Hogan was later rehired, though the series did not return to the Network.
Episode List
S1, Ep1
14 Sep. 1985
The Junkyard 500/Junkenstein
6.9 (16)
S1, Ep2
14 Sep. 1985
The Four-Legged Pickpocket
7.0 (16)
S1, Ep3
21 Sep. 1985
Clean Gene/Andre's Giant Problem
7.3 (18)
S1, Ep4
28 Sep. 1985
Gorilla My Dreams
6.7 (11)
S1, Ep5
12 Oct. 1985
Cheaters Never Prosper/Driving Me Crazy
7.3 (15)
S1, Ep6
28 Sep. 1985
The Wrestler's New Clothes/A Lesson in Scouting
7.5 (9)
S1, Ep7
5 Oct. 1985
Hog Society/Wrestling Roommates
6.8 (9)
S1, Ep8
5 Oct. 1985
Moolah's Ugly Salon/Ballot Box Boneheads
7.2 (9)
S1, Ep9
12 Oct. 1985
The Duke of Piperton/Robin Hulk & His Merry Wrestlers
7.0 (8)
S1, Ep10
12 Oct. 1985
Small But Mighty
7.0 (8)
S1, Ep11
19 Oct. 1985
Rock 'n' Zombies
7.7 (9)
S1, Ep12
26 Oct. 1985
The Last Resort
6.8 (9)
S1, Ep13
9 Nov. 1985
7.7 (9)
S2, E1
13 Sep. 1986
Ali Bano and the 40 Geeks
6.0 (8)
S2, Ep2
13 Sep. 1986
Captain Lou's Crash Diet/Muscle Madness
7.3 (9)
S2, Ep3
20 Sep. 1986
10 Little Wrestlers
S2, Ep4
27 Sep. 1986
Big John's Car Lot/Big Top Boobs
6.8 (8)
S2, Ep5
11 Oct. 1986
The Foster Wrestler
S2, Ep6
11 Oct. 1986
Ballet Buffoons/Battle of the Bands
S2, Ep7
20 Sep. 1986
Amazons Just Wanna Have Fun
S2, Ep8
11 Oct. 1986
The Art of Wrestling/The Blue Lagoon
S2, Ep9
27 Sep. 1986
The Superfly Express
S2, Ep10
4 Oct. 1986
Junkyard Dog's Junkyard Dog/My Fair Wrestler
S2, Ep11
4 Oct. 1986
Ghost Wrestlers
S2, Ep12
18 Oct. 1986
The Wrong Stuff
S2, Ep13
18 Oct. 1986
Roddy Reforms/Three Little Hulks
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